Initially cement industry and so many mining industries can use this type machine. This machine can be considered as the primary crusher. It ensures that the first material coming from the mine, breaks 0-600 mm to 0-60 mm.
Clay Tech Apron Feeders are of rugged, heavy duty construction and designed to handle large lumps and where no fines removal is required or where fines are removed by a separate Scalper.
Belt conveyor is widely used in metallurgy, coal, transport, water and electricity for conveying of bulk materials or packaged products with advantage of large conveying capacity, simple in structure, convenient maintenance, low cost, strong versatility, etc..
Chain conveyors are usually closed type conveyors. The material is loaded into the conveyor at any point and conveyed along the groove by the scraper fins. Emptying of transported material can be done from any or more points along the conveyor.
It is a feeder mounted on its surface. The innovative CLAY TECH SURFACE FEEDER is here for efficient material handling unloaded by trucks
Especially difficult to feed; In the case of wet, muddy and sticky materials, the preferred wobbler feeders ensure maximum plant efficiency by preventing feed problems caused by blockages due to sludge.
Screw conveyors are used in many different fields for feeding, handling and dosing of bulk solids. Standard our products are produced as tube type, U-type and vertical type.
The Rotary Valve is an important component of pneumatic transmission systems. The rotary valve control the flow of various granular, grain or powdered materials from places such as silos, bunkers, cyclones, filters, mixers.
Where there is sufficient slope for material flow, air slides systems provide the most advantageous solution. In this case, although the system cost required for the plant is drastically reduced, a wide range of materials can be transported at very low speeds.
Cement factories, concrete batching plants and cement raw materials are used in the production of machinery and propulsion equipment. Cement can be shipped with various systems such as wagon unloading, Big-bag filling and unloading.
In all pneumatic systems, cyclones are called conical constructions that separate air and dust from each other by means of centrifugal movemen
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Our feeders of various sizes and types are used for continuous feeding of crushers and screens after the primary crushing stage. High wear resistance, heat-treated drive console and high-quality vibrators ensure maximum efficiency, balanced feed and efficient and long-term operation with minimal downtime.
The screening process is just as important as the crushing itself. Screens are the heart of every rock processing plant.
The ball sieving machine was designed and manufactured for the classification of used balls removed from the mill during the charging of the existing mills. The size of the new and old ball will be charged to the mill which is being maintained.
The elevators that slice through the word “elevator” in English, which corresponds to the word “asansör” in Turkish, they are the mechanisms that carry the material vertically.
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Çimento, madencilik, enerji sektörlerinde bulunan çekiçli kırıcılar, dik milli kırıcılar, çeneli kırıcılar gibi tüm kırıcı tiplerinin yedek rotor imalatı yapılmaktadır.
Pantolon klapeler, endüstrinin birçok alanında ürünün iki ayrı yola sevkini sağlamak için kullanılan aktarma organıdır.
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.